Saturday, November 19, 2005

Saving Face for Bush

What do y'all think about my new idea for a bumper sticker:
"How many more corporals have to die to save face for Bush?"
I heard a snippet from an interview with a Vietnam Vet this afternoon on All Things Considered. He was taking the position that any call for troop withdrawal gives hope to the enemy, and the situation will end up like Vietnam, where a million Vietnamese people were killed after we pulled out. He can't remember the reason we were in Vietnam, but says the Iraq war is different and he doesn't want the 2075-and-counting deaths to "be in vain".
So I started thinking about it and realized that whatever our reasons for entering the Iraq War were, the current troop placement is really just about saving face for Bush.
How many more Specialist Casey Sheehan's have to die to save face for Bush?
How many more Lance Corporal Scott A. Zubowski's does it take?
How many more Staff Sergeant Jason A. Fegler's does it take?


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