Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Media on Presidential Election Issues

I challenge the print media to reserve one daily issue a week with stories that talk about the issues -- nothing else. No "He says; she says", no smears of one by the other, no horse-race info. Just a clear presentation of the issues. And they can get their best analysts to go over all the implications. How about a story on Bush's plan to privatize Social Security and an analysis by Paul Krugman and some other economists? They should assume an educated readership!

USATODAY.com - The GOP doesn't reflect America

USATODAY.com - The GOP doesn't reflect America Michael Moore provides interesting real-time support for my attitude: right-wing conservatism is pure, unadulterated greed. Perhaps with a little selfishness thrown in. It's amazing how people change their tune when faced with something that affects them: Nancy Reagan on stem-cell research; Cheney on gay marriage. I'd think that Bush might have a different attitude about starting unnecessary wars if Jenna and Barbara were in the National Guard.

Monday, August 30, 2004

Proud Native Texan Democrat

While watching President Clinton speak at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, I became obsessed with the idea of making a bumper sticker in response. Cafe Press makes it so easy:

First Post

It's all politics. Bush started a war under false pretenses. Why would anyone vote to keep him in office after that? Is anything more important than having a leader you can trust? All of the other issues pale against this one.