Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Cheney Warns of Terror Risk if Kerry Wins

The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Cheney Warns of Terror Risk if Kerry Wins This is coming from the "brains" of the outfit that was caught sitting on their hands on 9/11/2001! The only security effort that got any attention before then was the anti-ballistic missile system. They put off meetings on terrorism -- read Richard Clarke's book!

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Blow it off with a joke

Like clockwork, Bush always blows off any serious questions with some kind of a joke. Remember his "Those Weapons of Mass Destruction have got to be somewhere!" joke at the fundraiser? Just watch: if it's not a joke, then he uses a classic "strawman" logical fallacy -- mischaracterizing his opponent's position and then attacking that mischaracterization.

Who Died and Made You President?

Who Died and Made You President? :: The Bean :: Aux armes citoyens Gives a better perspective on the chickhawks. What a way to mark the day the number of American dead in Iraq goes over 1000.

Friday, September 03, 2004

My country right or wrong

My initial reaction to Bush's "Farewell Address" last night at the RNC was to find this quote and ask what Bush has done to set this country right?
My country right or wrong; when right, to be kept right; when wrong, to be put right. Carl Schurz Address to Congress, 1872.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

20-20 Hindsight

As citizens, it's our duty to compare the candidates for the upcoming Presidential election. Fortunately, we don't have to listen to what the incumbent says he plans to do in the future -- we have 20-20 hindsight -- so all we need to do is compare what he said he would do to what actually happened.

Yahoo! News - Rove: Kerry Tarnished Vietnam Veterans

Yahoo! News - Rove: Kerry Tarnished Vietnam Veterans Hah! The truth can't tarnish anything! Kerry's testimony in the 70's is self-descriptive: it is a summary of what other Vietnam Vets said in another venue. He was the able-minded messenger. As to 527's being a billionaires' club: MoveOn is supported by millions of members each giving small amounts of money; ACT is supported by Soros, but is not going ads, just GOTV actions.